general info / byf

  • DO NOT quote retweet my art

  • english is not my first language. if I ever said something problematic or something that made you upset or uncomfortable, dm me

  • let me know if I follow someone problematic

  • use tone indicators for me

  • I am not comfortable with kys jokes or priv qrts/replies

  • I swear and tweet in caps often

  • this is a sfw account. nsfw, if there is any, will be mild and tagged

  • i tag most of the major tws, if you have any specific triggers, let me know (if you don't have a carrd)

  • i might not follow back if you have no info in bio (pronouns, age, race) or a carrd/txti/rentry or we have no moots in common

  • i post genshin leaks untagged. no story leaks

  • if you ever need anything my dms are open :)

do not interact or follow if you...

  • are racist, misogynistic, homophobic, panphobic, terf, islamophobic, antisemitic, etc

  • support: bi/pan/straight lesbians/gays, white supremacy, pedophilia, zoophilia, incest

  • don't support: neopronouns, xenogenders, he/him lesbians, blm, self diagnosis, aro/ace people

  • are under 17 unless we're already moots

  • think pronouns = gender

  • are a tankie (defend ussr and justify their actions)

  • are a zionist or neutral about palestine

  • think caucasian = white

  • are a pro-shipper or on the neutral side, sexualize minors (both fictional and real)

  • are part of mcyttwt

  • actively hate things i like

  • are a mahito stan (from jujutsu kaisen)

  • for the genshin fandom dni if you ship kaeluc, yaeyato, ittosara, diluven, zhongven, zhongxiao, chilumi. you sexualize lumine or aether. you ship ningguang, beidou, raiden, yae miko with men. you defend hyv's colorism and orientalism


I've watched a lot of things like doctor who, good omens, the good place, jujutsu kaisen, mob psycho 100 etc. but I don't keep up with anything rnat the moment i like watcher, hozier, spiderverse movies and i play genshin regularly (na, ar55+, dm for uid)i really like nanami kento from jjk and a lot of genshin characters including the harbingersi also like linguistics, art and art historyyou can talk to me about me any of these topics! also if you play genshin you can ask for help or advice

для русскоязычных
меня зовут хан. мои местоимения они/их.
можете использовать мужской и женский род и множественное число в глаголах и прилагательных, маскулятивы и феминитивы.
они добры.
ты понял?
они оптимистка.
прошу избегать уменьшительно ласкательные слова (пример: крошка, малышка) и гендерные термины (примеры: дама, мужчина).
а слэнг и тому подобное разрешаю только мьючалам.